14373 Friends have stopped by
Pro 1974 's page
| pro1974 Member Since: 2007-12-14 18:27:21 Active playing time: 971 Days, 17 Hours, 16 Minutes Member Number: 0000004010 Character Experience: 96,570,859 Character Level: 99 Highest Skill: Combat Level 110 Nationality: Faldorian Guild: Alcatraz Guild Position: Leader
Monsters killed by pro1974
- 2 Amber Dragon
- 91 Arctic Fox
- 237,727 Armadillo
- 4 Baby Flame Giant
- 11 Baby Frost Giant
- 155 Bandit
- 5 Barktomi Elephant Rider
- 5 Barktomi Fighter
- 9 Barktomi Raider
- 12,361 Bear
- 109,639 Bronze Golem
- 817 Brown Toad
- 258 Bunny
- 850 Cave Dragon
- 38,975 Cave Goblin
- 8,526 Cavelurk
- 1,414 Chicken
- 10,600 Cougar
- 12,493 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 100 Drop Bear
- 163 Dwarven Fighter
- 64 Dwarven Raider
- 14 Elder Ash
- 10,613 Elephant
- 573 Elk
- 84 Faerie Knight
- 18 Faerie Lord
- 192 Fairy
- 104 Firbolg Giant
- 5,954 Fox
- 505 Frog
- 1 Frost Giant
- 15 Ghost
- 1,718 Giant Black Bat
- 7,371 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 7,386 Giant Bug Beetle
- 237,706 Giant Cobra
- 143 Giant Elk
- 7,406 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 68 Giant Roc
- 175 Giant Salamander
- 235,513 Giant Scorpion
- 71,974 Giant Tarantula
- 589 Giant Yeti
- 165 Giant Zombie
- 72,223 Gila Monster
- 695 Goblin Zombie
- 45 Gold Golem
- 1,267 Griffin
- 1,963 Grizzly Bear
- 2,425 Grue
- 970 Hawk
- 1,038 Headless Horseman
- 38,535 Hobgoblin
- 59 Ice Elemental
- 109,636 Iron Golem
- 29 Jade Golem
- 152 Killer Bunny
- 63,901 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 5 Lightning Elemental
- 6,912 Lion
- 63,472 Living Oak
- 10,185 Lizard Warrior
- 10,269 Lizardman
- 153 Lizardman Zombie
- 660 Maanvaki Scout
- 247 Maanvaki Shaman
- 1,070 Maanvaki Warrior
- 4,741 Marakite Mage
- 2,806 Marakite Master
- 1 Marakite Shaman
- 5,294 Marakite Trainee
- 203 Marossian Slave Warrior
- 2,008 Minotaur
- 378 Mountain Goat
- 382 Mountain Lion
- 6 Nagaromi Infantry
- 191 Nagaromi Miner
- 919 Nagaromi Scout
- 7 Nagaromi Spearman
- 183 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 105 Ona Spearman
- 63 Ona Warlord
- 229 Ona Warrior
- 583 Parrot
- 1,633 Pirate
- 41 Pirate Admiral
- 406 Pirate Captain
- 741 Pirate Grenadier
- 1,715 Polar Bear
- 397 Pumpking Warrior
- 1 Quarter Master
- 132 Raccoon
- 1 Raging Tree
- 2 Rhaedrhothe
- 4,967 Rhizard
- 1,314 Rhizard Plunderer
- 2,723 Rhizard Prowler
- 68 Saphirik Warrior
- 1 Silver Dragon
- 7 Sjirkomi Cook
- 4 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 9 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 43 Snow Owl
- 41 Spectre
- 1,249 Squirrel
- 109,248 Steel Golem
- 1 Thief
- 6,761 Turtle
- 2,429 Vampire
- 1,382 Werewolf
- 1,441 White Bat
- 7 White Dragon
- 13,679 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 14,192 Wild Elven Hunter
- 307 Willow
- 3,626 Wolf
- 1,050 Yeti
| pro1974 Ranked #97 in Character Experience |
| cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #209 at Speed |
cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #368 at Mining |
| cell12 |
| pro1974 Ranked #94 at Combat |
| cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #223 at Magic |
cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #417 at Trading |
| cell12 |
| pro1974 Ranked #259 at Woodcutting |
| cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #308 at Smithing |
cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #69 at Construction |
| cell12 |
| pro1974 Ranked #263 at Cooking |
| cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #458 at Fishing |
cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #422 at Crafting |
| cell12 |
| pro1974 Ranked #348 at Harvesting |
| cell12 | | pro1974 Ranked #710 at Cards |
== The Jasom Was Here ==
Glassy tagged this page and thinks Pro is awesome! <3
Chickaroo imprinted her green thumb on your page :D
Keep up the good work Pro! XO Babsy
Greeneyed_girl was here to say Hi
Just saying HI!!!......SweetMoonsugah
Hello Pro! Cheers and good wishes! -Malcolm75k
Mari came to play with Pro but kinda got rough :S
valpokat came and left big huggles for pro
You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild
As you ramble on through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut… and not upon the hole.
Never settle for being average... you would be just as close to the bottom as you are to the top.
Madre? dropped by to say hello
Опричнина Lisa was here We are every where
Wifey stopped by to say hi
Ganos Lal stopped by and cooked up something nice! ;)
suzanne-a stopped by to :hugs: my fellow guildie. :D
Brynhild stopped by and left you a present :P
Just stopped by to check you out and say hello.
Meow :3 Lady Luna has left you her kitty.