Movoda Manual - serentiy26

Getting Started
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Hello All
I am seren and am a 27yr old female who resides in Canada and am quite new to this game but getting better with time and patience and am enjoying this game as well :) and hope to strive and become a good player individually as well in my guild... Bedlam rules! that's all for now more to come when i can come up with more stuff to do on here :)

Character Level with exp. ||||
Ranked in Character Level

Where I spend all my time.. the sawmill...

This page has glomped you 6312 times!!!

/Yay/ /Seren/ /I/ /Have/ /*hugged*/ /Your/ /Page/ /lol/ /;)/ /-/ /Rev/./

Rebs just pooped on your lawn ROFL !!

Ervis was here to leave you a small note:

Nice page Serentiy :)-Greeneyed_girl
Fantastic page serentiy! :) All the best – from Anty
Cool page serentiy :) Ninjabustuh
*tackleglompsnuggles serentiy's page* you know you liked it :P -lala
*Serentiy got bitten once again* Urke

Nice Stats Seren!~ X's Babsy

Was Here

Joe Cool was here

Togz was also here...

ocimoci was here "(^-^)"

*Makeveli rushes in shakes everyones hands, and buys them all a drink and rushes off again*
Slayer 4444 waz here!

first1slain Angelic-S10 Was walking when she spotted this ....

I was here too :)

I was here to bring you these ~ Mandi

Bahamut was here

this page has recieved the 
Mnk_Slayer Left this for you to eat so you can get that fun Constructing over :D

*Bites Serentiy and runs away*:-D

Chickaroo imprinted her green thumb on your page :D

Keep up the good work..

Roen thanks you for being such a great person.

Zandramas was here to hug you :)

ximianblack says thank you for the helping hand along the way. :)

Thorin? dropped in to say HI but dropped a pic of his cousin and some C4
pro1974 was here

Mari left a rose for the beautiful seren

Nnej stumbled onto this page while passing through Martral

Lexxy has fondled your page..

(Red)NightfirePhoenix comes to visit :)

Spendy has dropped on by to *huggle* the gorgeous serentiy ... nice page, and looking forward to seeing that new hairstyle :)

Prome stopped by to say hello

joebags was here

trosey stopped by to give the gorgeous Seren some hugs :) Awesome page hun

RedScorpion has stung your page

You have been visited by Xanthar

Zeu S just wanted a hug from seren!! ::)

adnerb dropped in a line.

The evil that is Thoranius has finally gotten around to marking this territory...

vilsonia shimmied by to say hi

Kuja 20 came through and pawed your page up :)

Lemonlock came by to make sure that you page is hollow free. but don't worry, I got your back ;)

Krazy_Amy has kissed your page xoxo.

Phoenix Jewels was here leaving some loving