Movoda Manual - Hera

Getting Started
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Chickaroo Imprinted her green thumb on your page!

Yo came to dnace for you ;) ~ Shut Yo Trap

Theory left his thoughts on your page!

You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild

As you ramble on through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut… and not upon the hole. Never settle for being average... you would be just as close to the bottom as you are to the top.

lemonlock just wandered thru on his search for hallows and leaves his mark for you ;)

Kriztal planted herself here :P

Mahes is here to say good job so far and good luck in the future.

pergie stopped by to party

Jinx HAD to sign this page....

“Hello Mrs. Polite "

Bahamut says you are a Fishing Goddess

Lexxy :edited: your page...

Kriztal planted herself here:P

Babsy stopped by to leave you Hugs and Kisses

Yoshi came and took a feather for an egg.!!

Kurb_Killer363 darkslided on ur page :P

In his endless travels to come back to the heavens, this fallen angel has wandered across a magnificent goddess

Kuja came through and pawed your page :)

Mizu stopper by...

Entropy jumped out of a perfectly good airplane to sign your page

Homecoming Queen stopped by to sign this page :)

The victors write the history.

Kilo J Has Parked at Your Page

meaty crashed onto your page

Heatherr was here to give you hugs <3

Rave Stopped by to say hi and give you a “:kiss:"

Alamak The Crazy was here :D

Scare set up on your page to try and figure out your combat techniques.

Elenwe_Greenleaf wanted to stop by and say hi to you.

Borindor says “Hail tothe King Baby”.

Burningice 2003 leaves Hera an emerald for good fortunes in mining.

Tori Lou stopped by – thats just for you deary

CyberRhino led a stamped through your page!