| | Megatron Member Since: 2007-11-17 22:27:04 Active playing time: 309 Days, 13 Hours, 30 Minutes Member Number: 0000003772 Character Experience: 9,787,967 Character Level: 55 Highest Skill: Woodcutting Level 66 Nationality: Odtoni Guild: subpar Guild Position: The Showstoppah
| |
| Character Level 55 with 9,787,967 exp
Ranked #779 in Character
Ranked #31 in Woodcutting
Ranked #1,433 in Combat
Ranked #444 in Speed |
Monsters killed by Megatron
- 4 Bandit
- 2,827 Bear
- 1,132 Cave Goblin
- 270 Cavelurk
- 2,688 Cougar
- 101 Elephant
- 2 Ghost
- 2,247 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 2,235 Giant Bug Beetle
- 2,241 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 490 Grizzly Bear
- 70 Grue
- 7 Hawk
- 1,230 Hobgoblin
- 1 King Bear
- 64 Lion
- 36 Maanvaki Scout
- 16 Maanvaki Shaman
- 64 Maanvaki Warrior
- 77 Mountain Goat
- 2 Nagaromi Miner
- 7 Nagaromi Scout
- 1 Nagaromi Spearman
- 4 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 1 Raging Tree
- 1 Thief
22:30:46 subforshort[SERGE]: I like slacker best still
!!(lightyellow)He is an aspiring actor, that is taking a semester off from the University at Albany where he is a Communications Major and a Political Science Minor. He is presently working at the Common Man of Concord restaurant where he is a valet/function server.
He is an all-around New England sports fan with his primary concerns being baseball (go RED SOX )
and football (New England
He use to play high-school baseball but got too old and had to retire to slow-pitched softball.
He resides in New Hampshire but still consider himself a Mass boy at heart.
He claims to be an awful cook but enjoys
a good stir-fry, clam chowder or lobster.
He has one big black cat
named shazam.
His favorite genre of music is rap with his
favorite artists being Guru
DJ Premier, Pete Rock, Wu-Tang Clan and Boot Camp Clik among many others.
His favorite books/authors Cormac Mc Carthy
Dennis Lehane and Russell Banks
He has a vast movie collections with his tops being Swingers
Dark City, Blade Runner, Willow and Time Bandits. For TV, he enjoys Seinfeld
and Dexter(the showtime program).
3991people have
peeked at this page
Please feel free to scribble a nice message on my page
You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild
As you ramble on through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut… and not upon the hole.
Never settle for being average... you would be just as close to the bottom as you are to the top.
Hi Ben! Hope you like the page...if you need any help with it hit me up. :) Sunshine ♥
Mirabeau was here to say HI!
Hey Ben, just sending you some love, Loubeelou xxx
Not great piccy for you to ogle, but hello anyway:)-Kriztal :x
Just saying hi Mate. I'll add my pic later to your manage.
Raven has grazed here
sub was here
Yogi You should always go to other people's funerals. Otherwise they won't come to yours.
jasper was here
adnerb dropped in a line
Zh3214 and the JACKS are here to take over your page::)
Borindor knows looks can be deceiving::)
ororo pops in for a visit
jasper visits again...with proof of screen shot::)
Blood your page and left his mark.
yosh came by to make sure no penguins were hurt in the making of this page..... you fail miserably... :(
adnerb dropped in a line.
monkey? says what's up!
Zionist Came to play Tag, Your IT!
Just a little cooler than the decepticons. Darkness Awakes / AKA? Bumblebee