Movoda Manual - Aurora13

Getting Started
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“As swift as the wind blows do the storms of vengance come bearing down on us”

When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence, that petty fears and petty pleasures are but the shadow of the reality


Member Since: 2006-12-03 05:04:53
Active playing time: 829 Days, 4 Hours, 23 Minutes
Member Number: 0000000365
Character Experience: 43,304,247
Character Level: 80
Highest Skill: Combat Level 90
Nationality: Faldorian

Aurora13's Skills
  • Combat Level 90 (68,494,178 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 49 (6,371,056 Exp)
  • Speed Level 48 (5,888,205 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 46 (5,051,874 Exp)
  • Mining Level 46 (4,800,122 Exp)
  • Smithing Level 40 (2,730,607 Exp)
  • Construction Level 36 (1,861,624 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 34 (1,491,365 Exp)
  • Magic Level 33 (1,362,632 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 32 (1,275,854 Exp)
  • Fishing Level 32 (1,255,211 Exp)
  • Trading Level 20 (214,230 Exp)
  • Cards Level 5 (4,102 Exp)

Hell's Belles know no bounds
Their voices carry on the winds
Singing softly in men's ears

Lulling them slowly to insanity
Drawing them nearer to that edge
Pulling them 'til their sight behold
Inticing them with pleasures untold

The weak crumble at their feet
Willing slaves on the block
The lash of death a welcome friend
That comes strikes too late

The strong waver for their honor
Unsure knights at the cave
The breath of firey truth a burning lover
That kisses heartbeats too late

Hell's Belles win again
Their triumph flies through the air
Gliding silenty though the clouds
Dragging the wails of captive men
Growing ever more grand and bold
Swimming the skies of red and gold

The emotions that good hunters need to cultivate are love and service more than courage. The sentiments of the hunt then become translated into art

My Card Collection

Aluminum Card
Apple Card
Bass Card
Bat Card
Bear Card
Beetle Card
Birthday Card
Bronze Card
Cards Card
Celebration Card
Chef Card
Christmas Card
Coal Card
Combat Card
Copper Card
Cougar Card
Crafting Card
Cruise Card
Dark Card
Deep Sea Card
Deer Card
Dragon Card
Duranium Card
Elephant Card
Elven Card
Fire Card
Flounder Card
Fox Card
Furnace Card
Glass Card
Goblin Card
Golden Hatchet Card
Golden Pickaxe Card
Golden Pocketknife Card
Golden Tinderbox Card
Golem Card
Greenhouse Card
Griffin Card
Grizzly Bear Card
Haddock Card
Harvest Card
Hawk Card
Invasion Card
Iron Card
Ivory Card
Jungle Card
Leather Card
Lion Card
Lobster Card
Lumber Card
Mackerel Card
Magic Card
Magic Fish Card
Mountain Goat Card
Mountain Lion Card
Museum Card
Mythral Card
Nagaromi Card
Oyster Card
Pear Card
Pike Card
Pirate Card
Plum Card
Poison Card
Present Card
Recipe Card
Repair Card
Rhizard Card
Royal Card
Sandstone Card
Sawmill Card
Shark Card
Shock Card
Silver Pocketknife Card
Snow Card
Steel Card
Stone Card
Storage Card
Sugar Card
Tin Card
Titanium Card
Traders Card
Tuna Card
Turtle Card
Water Card
Wolf Card
Wood Card

Guest Book Sign Below

great page :) pug547 moc1 has shown his face here

ohh .. i got a kiss .. then .. i guess i ll give a hug :hugs: :D .. escaflowne82
I love your page. :) it looks great. ReBeL

Love ya page - Rev

A wonderful wonderful girl, second only to my lovely jess! You need anything, just hollah!- Rick

Wonderful page by a wondiferous honorary Randy! You need anything, we're the people to help you out – Jess

A very awe inspiring page, Light of My Pride. Id expect no less than incredible beauty from the Onyx of Desire ;) – A'jorr

serentiy26 was here and now is gone :P

Cool page :D – Galan

cool, alot of shiny gold... *hmm* pictures. -Gilmon

Barabil was here!
Love your page! X's Babsy

Makeveli was here, and really love the page..nice going in all you do:)

Yay, Nice Page! :D -Anty

Rebs just pooped on your lawn ROFL !!

Raven checked you out!

You have beed Tagged by Togz
You have been Tagged by ~FATE~

Great page and awesome stats Ervis was here

pibird was here and got scared

Awesome page -Greeneyed_girl

nice page huntress

im doing this cause i was told i had too... great page Kamue ... Magecrafter of the Spirits

i have sparkledrubyson your page ruby07

she is my favorite huntress

Angelic-S10 was here...

blackdrgn6 – Have an awesome knight :)

You have been Tridented ;)! -Pose

bedlam was here.. :)

Love the page!Phil

Lexxy your page!

Yoshi was here and was kissed to death :D

Rae Stopped By To Leave Her Mark!

bedlam feared to visit here..

Kilo J parked at your page

ximianblack just stopped in to say hello and extend his gratitude.

Krazy_Amy has kissed your page xoxo.

Jinx HAD to sign this page....

“Hello Mrs. Exciting "

love the page

Walker stopped by to remind you who's the best...

Garith Stopped in

The Fish High_Octane caught, dragged him here. (Remind me to thank that Fish later)

moose stroked by again..

Came back to give you more hugs and kisses...<3 ya heaps ~ Babsy

stepped out of the shadows to say hi to the lady with a great name

Clap for the Wolfman

hugs~ to you :)

Guinevere came to spread some love

3616 Have Visited