| Kuja Member Since: 2008-02-16 10:36:24 Active playing time: 209 Days, 4 Hours, 7 Minutes Member Number: 0000004778 Character Experience: 33,867,399 Character Level: 76 Highest Skill: Combat Level 93 Nationality: Odtoni

Kuja's Skills- Combat Level 93 (77,520,312 Exp)
- Speed Level 41 (3,124,589 Exp)
- Mining Level 33 (1,378,765 Exp)
- Magic Level 23 (354,129 Exp)
- Smithing Level 15 (81,254 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 10 (28,559 Exp)
- Crafting Level 10 (22,056 Exp)
- Fishing Level 9 (16,241 Exp)
- Construction Level 8 (13,982 Exp)
- Trading Level 8 (11,582 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 7 (9,184 Exp)
- Cooking Level 7 (8,304 Exp)
- Cards Level 3 (1,064 Exp)
 | Kuja Ranked #330 in Character Experience |

Me and my sister :)
Monsters killed by Kuja
- 2,428 Bear
- 207,022 Bronze Golem
- 30 Bunny
- 1,477 Cave Dragon
- 19,651 Cave Goblin
- 5,155 Cavelurk
- 2,489 Cougar
- 174 Deer
- 575 Elephant
- 107 Fox
- 2 Ghost
- 42 Giant Black Bat
- 3,345 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 3,419 Giant Bug Beetle
- 3,405 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 61 Gold Golem
- 3,621 Griffin
- 499 Grizzly Bear
- 1,200 Grue
- 44 Hawk
- 18 Headless Horseman
- 19,536 Hobgoblin
- 207,578 Iron Golem
- 72,877 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 357 Lion
- 70,819 Living Oak
- 30,845 Lizard Warrior
- 31,276 Lizardman
- 7 Maanvaki Scout
- 6 Maanvaki Shaman
- 20 Maanvaki Warrior
- 263 Marakite Mage
- 139 Marakite Master
- 247 Marakite Trainee
- 2 Nagaromi Infantry
- 13 Nagaromi Miner
- 52 Nagaromi Scout
- 19 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 4 Ona Spearman
- 12 Ona Warlord
- 18 Ona Warrior
- 1 Outsider Sloop
- 249 Parrot
- 915 Pirate
- 25 Pirate Admiral
- 205 Pirate Captain
- 380 Pirate Grenadier
- 787 Pirate Marauder
- 1,105 Pirate Raider
- 471 Pirate Squadron
- 206,999 Steel Golem
- 47 White Bat
- 13,491 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 15,576 Wild Elven Hunter
- 6 Wolf

Chickaroo imprinted her green thumb on your page!

vilsonia shimmied by to say hi!!
Stopped by to leave you hugs and kisses ~ Babsy
stops by to hug kuja

Make came to visit. nice page
You have been visited by Xanthar
GG was here and loves your page ;)
thought i would say hi as i fly by
Your wiki is touched by the goodlooking marti, your wiki is worth gold now:)

Like the page very much..Kriztal:)

Trouble stopped by to say hi!
Kivrin stuck her pic here
Mari came to see if Kuja was tasty ;)
even though you're gay, I still love ya :P Alaren
Mizu stopped by..
When I first met this KUJA dude
I to to myself “man he's RUDE”
I realized later he was just lewd
with a dash of just plain crude
but now I realize he's really quite shrewd
and that's why I just call him the K00J
trosey Has stopped by to show your page some love :hug:
Genesis stopped in for a good time ;)
serentiy26 was here and now is gone :P
Roen has signed.
Krazy_Amy has kissed your page xoxo.
Nice page
!!! Maqe
Sunshine has come to leave you some ♥
Frida was here too.
Hey Kuji, nice page man... keep up the good work... $aratogz
trosey stopped by to mark her spot and give you a smooch
Roen wonders how many badger attacks there have been lately
Nnej fluttered through
Glassy loves on Kuja and leaves
The fallen one comes through searching for the gateway back into heaven and to the arms of his destiny kenneth2830?
Kurb_Killer363 darkslided on ur page!
Hera has come by to take a look at your page and keep watch over it ;)

vampkitty13 came by to give you a gift ;)
Mizu stopper by...
Entropy jumped out of a perfectly good airplane to sign your page
ninjalemon says your cool, and dropped a lemon grenade on your page. Heres some LEMO-NADE
See you on the battle field.
Heatherr left you some <3
kriztal planted herself here:P
Sherlockiama was here!!
penola was here
Elenwe_Greenleaf wanted to stop by and cast some excites on your page.
Salacia leaves your page.. Satisfied.. and full.
She Thinks Its Time for YOU to sign HER page.. or she'll bite you again.
Gaiahas Goshed you.

I thought I'd leave you a laugh :) Tori
Bujeeka Bujung just stopped by to fight crime on your page.
Has been nice having you around!
mx6dk was here
The world will melt
All sound but our breath, stop.
Time cease.
We will be a universe born
Building empires from atoms.
Hugs and Kisses Babe <3
Lexxy was here because you nagged me like fitty times.

Hugs form the angel
Discordia rolls an apple on to your page
6855 visitors
beware shadows have arrived, shauny34
st0n3s0ur leaves you a bear hug :)
Little Lady Passing Through To Wish You Happy Holidays (:
Blackheart: Invasion scheduled against Kuja's Page on 2009–12–10 17:00:00
Stepped out of the shadows to beat Kuja