Movoda Manual - grayman

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Member Since: 2008-06-11 13:19:31
Active playing time: 479 Days, 19 Hours, 17 Minutes
Member Number: 0000006153
Character Experience: 42,421,668
Character Level: 80
Highest Skill: Combat Level 91
Nationality: Odtoni

Grayman's Skills
  • Combat Level 91 (69,075,266 Exp)
  • Smithing Level 65 (18,826,257 Exp)
  • Mining Level 56 (10,586,652 Exp)
  • Speed Level 45 (4,548,371 Exp)
  • Construction Level 32 (1,175,992 Exp)
  • Magic Level 31 (1,125,923 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 31 (1,057,277 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 31 (1,037,847 Exp)
  • Trading Level 21 (257,316 Exp)
  • Fishing Level 15 (89,814 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 15 (77,967 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 14 (69,895 Exp)
  • Cards Level 6 (5,299 Exp)


Fear the Shadows


For there I Stand

Monster: White Bat
HP: 9
Attack: 30
Defense: 13
Speed: 19
Agility: 70
Exp: 35

Monster: Hawk
HP: 7
Attack: 22
Defense: 8
Speed: 15
Agility: 43
Exp: 15

Monster: Elephant
HP: 45
Attack: 19
Defense: 24
Speed: 12
Agility: 23
Exp: 30

Monster: Baby Frost Giant
HP: 60
Attack: 25
Defense: 28
Speed: 10
Agility: 25
Exp: 35

Monster: Giant Bomb Beetle
HP: 20
Attack: 24
Defense: 22
Speed: 13
Agility: 22
Exp: 35

Monsters killed by Grayman
  • 1 Arctic Fox
  • 1 Baby Flame Giant
  • 2 Baby Frost Giant
  • 4 Bandit
  • 21 Barktomi Fighter
  • 9 Barktomi Raider
  • 10,667 Bear
  • 182,802 Bronze Golem
  • 1,284 Brown Toad
  • 121 Bunny
  • 1,446 Cave Dragon
  • 24,158 Cave Goblin
  • 4,744 Cavelurk
  • 242 Chicken
  • 9,315 Cougar
  • 1,104 Deer
  • 1 Dennech Cehuvah
  • 3 Elder Ash
  • 3,153 Elephant
  • 337 Elk
  • 56 Faerie Knight
  • 21 Fairy
  • 9 Firbolg Giant
  • 567 Fox
  • 726 Frog
  • 8 Ghost
  • 3,823 Giant Black Bat
  • 149 Giant Bomb Beetle
  • 120 Giant Bug Beetle
  • 1 Giant Elk
  • 142 Giant Ravager Beetle
  • 3 Giant Roc
  • 235 Giant Salamander
  • 1 Giant Zombie
  • 167 Goblin Zombie
  • 59 Gold Golem
  • 700 Griffin
  • 1,836 Grizzly Bear
  • 1,417 Grue
  • 352 Hawk
  • 493 Headless Horseman
  • 23,674 Hobgoblin
  • 183,022 Iron Golem
  • 13 Jade Golem
  • 12 Killer Bunny
  • 246 Killer Vine
  • 1 King Bear
  • 18 Lightning Elemental
  • 1,932 Lion
  • 92 Living Oak
  • 5,829 Lizard Warrior
  • 5,928 Lizardman
  • 160 Lizardman Zombie
  • 229 Maanvaki Scout
  • 128 Maanvaki Shaman
  • 416 Maanvaki Warrior
  • 109,279 Marakite Mage
  • 62,838 Marakite Master
  • 8 Marakite Shaman
  • 112,411 Marakite Trainee
  • 1,037 Minotaur
  • 1,448 Mountain Goat
  • 1,484 Mountain Lion
  • 3 Nagaromi Infantry
  • 70 Nagaromi Miner
  • 293 Nagaromi Scout
  • 2 Nagaromi Spearman
  • 68 Nagaromi Woodcutter
  • 307 Ona Spearman
  • 109 Ona Warlord
  • 390 Ona Warrior
  • 231 Parrot
  • 698 Pirate
  • 17 Pirate Admiral
  • 198 Pirate Captain
  • 328 Pirate Grenadier
  • 570 Pumpking Warrior
  • 1 Quarter Master
  • 11 Raccoon
  • 1 Raging Tree
  • 205 Rhizard Plunderer
  • 32 Royal Marine
  • 66 Saphirik Warrior
  • 27 Sjirkomi Cook
  • 15 Sjirkomi Shaman
  • 17 Sjirkomi Soldier
  • 234 Squirrel
  • 182,389 Steel Golem
  • 1 Thief
  • 1 Turtle
  • 2,157 Vampire
  • 46 Werewolf
  • 3,813 White Bat
  • 74 Willow
  • 2,331 Wolf

Monster: Hobgoblin
HP: 22
Attack: 45
Defense: 40
Speed: 21
Agility: 45
Exp: 55

Monster: Giant Bug Beetle
HP: 20
Attack: 19
Defense: 20
Speed: 13
Agility: 19
Exp: 25

Monster: Lion
HP: 20
Attack: 17
Defense: 14
Speed: 20
Agility: 33
Exp: 25

Monster: Cave Goblin
HP: 20
Attack: 39
Defense: 37
Speed: 20
Agility: 40
Exp: 50

Monster: Living Oak
HP: 50
Attack: 74
Defense: 63
Speed: 14
Agility: 53
Exp: 75

=  0:-) =  :no: =  :wave: =  |-) =  :-/
=  :S =  :runaway: =  xD =  XD =  *<:-)
=  :claps: =  ;-) =  :haha: =  :hug: =  :grats:
=  :waves: =  :clap: =  :hugs: =  :duh: =  <3

=  (B) =  >>:( =  :kiss: =  :-S =  ::D
=  :zzz: =  :ROFL: =  :HS: =  :HB: =  (p)
=  :yes: =  :bow: =  (W) =  (:o) =  :RIP:
=  :sos: =  --> =  :eek: =  :igy: =  :hmm:

Ranked #310 at Speed
Ranked #126 at Mining
Ranked #213 at Combat
Ranked #362 at Magic
Ranked #219 at Trading
Ranked #651 at Woodcutting
Ranked #60 at Smithing
Ranked #627 at Construction
Ranked #1,420 at Cooking
Ranked #1,618 at Fishing
Ranked #906 at Crafting
Ranked #697 at Harvesting


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....A Product of...
Dirty Dwalf Design
aka Grayman DDD.


Grayman was here

Huggles from your daughter :)

Right in the footsteps of his big example he goes

Stillnoob aka Dgl was here

Azriel was here

Genesis popped in for a quickie ;)

Tori Lou 87 Muahaha!

Scare Set up here for the night, grey people ftw. :points to above picture:.

Sistim came to :boing: around on your page.

Through Honor You Shall Prevail!
Tekada has shown his respects

Silk hopped by to cutify this page

Bright Spark dropped by to say “Hi Bro, love your wiki " XX<3
The Monkey Was Here ;) Love PM

Insane_Clown Was Here<span class="nobr">2009–01–27/mhiAgvUtYw.jpg
Guin marks your page with her sword

ladyLynn was here to say

Thanks so much, Grayman

EternalWarrior got forced to sign! :'-(

Roaring by to say high.

Creek Had a quick peep :)

babydoll84was here

dreamer349!! Stopped by to say hello

357 stopped by to say hey

Star 62 says hiya

Red Wyrm!! Stopped by to Breathe some FIRE into your page!!

Question everything?

It!! Has touched this page >:)


Bright Spark came and left her mark XXX
