Movoda Manual - Lilithguestlist

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Mari came to share her dinner with secret
::) is that my blood you are sharing again Mars baby~ Makeveli
Hey Laura ;) Nice page you have here ;) – Zangy

/Yay/ /Laura/ /I/ /Have/ /*Tagged*/ /Your/ /Page/ /lol/ /;)/ /-/ /Rev/./

Linkin Park rocks, Chester Owns, hey Mak, Mari and Rev, Later Togz

You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild
check out my self portrait!

Red Scorpion has stung your page

killer page u got 2 ...dondraco

Yoshi Huggles secret...but will not tell anyone

Klisten slapped her card here and goes wow great page

“She walks in beauty, Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes”

ocimoci draw a rainbow here to add some colors :D *hug*

Greeneyed_girl was here

Nice page there, hun...wheres the pics? ;)Babsy

cupcake was here and leaves a cupcake for u

Prometheus stopped by to say hello

An unknown person will be here on your page Eternally <--:P

Just popping by to plant my Roots...
It was Roots I planted here and not Boots. Take Care & Have fun!
wombat eats, roots and leaves

Garith stopped in to say hello

Hi Secret wanted to stop by and give ya a hug

*Takes a nibble then walks off*

Rave Stopped by to give secret *kisses*

McWidowmaker spun his web here.

Tagging your page (n stuff) again ~ Babsy

Tagged hun xP ~ adero.

The first cut is the deepest..

Zeu S streaked behind *secret*

Blackheart: Invasion scheduled against *Secret*'s Page on 2009–01–18 15:30:00
Zombie_Frog stops by to say hi

fluffy bunny hopped by to say Hi how are you?

Shhhh I have a secret to tell Guinevere..

White_Dragon saw you in chat and thought you looked interesting, so I checked out your page... I LIKE IT.

Widdie spun his web here :D

The dawg stopped by to say, “WUZZ UP!” n I love the poem!

Grayman was here

White_Dragon says, “Thank you for your Magix, may it spread through out the land”.

Nestea says “Thank for your combat help!”

Slomo has fought of 887 intruders from your page for you.

spazattak chucked a spaz on ur page

came by to give you a big hug

willy stopped by to visit and says hello guin

Shadow Dropped By........

Chickaroo Imprinted her green thumb on your page

Because I am Da Wolfman

i am a protector and warrior of you page.

Gt Falcon pulled up and did a burnout to say hi !!

Stopped by to give you some love

LostEmbrace Has stopped by!

lets start a riot!
Morbid RIOTT

Stepped out of the shadows to hug a beautiful lady

Prome stopped by to say hello

I have signed you now huggles my evil friend

Wifey running by and say Hi as she beats tiny.. Me love my Guin!!

Stoney stopped by 2 say HIGH

Betty stopped by to give Guin some lurve

babybmine tickled your page

added the bling to your page :)

LL stopping by to leave some love to her favorite Aussie :love:

357 came by on a 4 second hit and run to leave some hugs :hugs:

May the power of all free people be with you

The Love Sorceress casts many good spells on you for all your days

YaavannSeldarine Has stopped by!

Blackheart: Invasion scheduled against Guin's Page on 2010–05–12 17:00:00

Josy dropped in to

Thank you so very much for helping me get started:)
my egg. Will soon hatch,

love ya sis

TKS has  in to you