Movoda Manual - TamaraGreystone

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Tamara Greystone

aka Tam Tam

Nicknames: The Deadly Cook, The Alcoholic Cook, The Bootlegger
12:12:22 Lexxy[Co M]: Tam :bow: shock queen

*with many thanks to Shimizu*

The people who got in the most slaps on April 1st: 28. Tamara Greystone – 825
Those who got slapped the most: 16. Tamara Greystone(0000003504) – 788

Ranked #698 in Character

Level 58 Overall with 12,075,419 XP

Ranked #1,235 in Mining
Ranked #813 in Combat
Ranked #242 in Speed
Ranked #497 in Magic
Ranked #1,508 in Construction
Ranked #398 in Woodcutting
Ranked #424 in Harvesting
Ranked #109 in Cooking
Ranked #1,392 in Smithing
Ranked #1,140 in Crafting
Ranked #161 in Trading
Ranked #734 in Fishing
Ranked #487 in Cards

Card stats for Tamara Greystone
  • 52 wins - 37 losses


Monsters killed by Tamara Greystone
  • 12 Baby Flame Giant
  • 7 Baby Frost Giant
  • 144 Bandit
  • 158 Barktomi Elephant Rider
  • 12 Barktomi Fighter
  • 20 Barktomi Raider
  • 2,122 Bear
  • 7 Bronze Golem
  • 167 Brown Toad
  • 278 Bunny
  • 15,511 Cave Goblin
  • 3,408 Cavelurk
  • 61 Chicken
  • 2,136 Cougar
  • 762 Deer
  • 1 Dennech Cehuvah
  • 37 Drop Bear
  • 42 Dwarven Fighter
  • 224 Dwarven Raider
  • 15,369 Elephant
  • 2 Elk
  • 8 Elven Mage
  • 140 Fairy
  • 9 Flame Giant
  • 374 Fox
  • 107 Frog
  • 13 Ghost
  • 4,287 Giant Black Bat
  • 5,749 Giant Bomb Beetle
  • 5,676 Giant Bug Beetle
  • 5,731 Giant Ravager Beetle
  • 19 Giant Salamander
  • 641 Griffin
  • 446 Grizzly Bear
  • 946 Grue
  • 1,447 Hawk
  • 2 Headless Horseman
  • 15,639 Hobgoblin
  • 2 Iron Golem
  • 2 Killer Tomato
  • 5,949 Killer Vine
  • 1 King Bear
  • 10,520 Lion
  • 5,978 Living Oak
  • 5,508 Lizard Warrior
  • 5,429 Lizardman
  • 1 Lizardman Zombie
  • 25 Maanvaki Scout
  • 8 Maanvaki Shaman
  • 58 Maanvaki Warrior
  • 89 Marakite Mage
  • 48 Marakite Master
  • 99 Marakite Trainee
  • 229 Marossian Slave Warrior
  • 104 Minotaur
  • 997 Mountain Goat
  • 949 Mountain Lion
  • 18 Nagaromi Infantry
  • 323 Nagaromi Miner
  • 1,490 Nagaromi Scout
  • 14 Nagaromi Spearman
  • 372 Nagaromi Woodcutter
  • 1 One-eyed Jack
  • 184 Parrot
  • 601 Pirate
  • 7 Pirate Admiral
  • 153 Pirate Captain
  • 200 Pirate Grenadier
  • 2 Pumpking Warrior
  • 1 Quarter Master
  • 139 Raccoon
  • 1 Raging Tree
  • 1,048 Rhizard
  • 645 Rhizard Plunderer
  • 671 Rhizard Prowler
  • 60 Saphirik Warrior
  • 1 Silver Dragon
  • 8 Sjirkomi Cook
  • 10 Sjirkomi Shaman
  • 11 Sjirkomi Soldier
  • 59 Squirrel
  • 2 Steel Golem
  • 1 Thief
  • 1,258 Turtle
  • 6 Vampire
  • 69 Werewolf
  • 4,377 White Bat
  • 1,359 Wild Elven Gatherer
  • 1,302 Wild Elven Hunter
  • 381 Wolf
  • 3 Yeti

A proud member of the Silver Shadow Society Guild

I wear this ribbon for my Mom who died (3/13/08) and everyone else that has/had it.



Hugs from your shadow sister – Mistress Cara

Kiss's, you can count on me if you're ever in need Mercuryk

a_f_c landed here and found a lovely women an *hugged her*

i vist ur page and hugs.silver is a wolf that looks for those in need for it is better
to give then to recieve

Woot thanks for the yummies and great advice.


A howdie from the Mrs. and myself

Keep smiling! -forrester and Fatelcia Fae

Zaknafein Has Dropped By to say We WUUUUV YOU! SSS

You have been tackled by the one and only daimondstrike, congratulations! *dynamically tackles Tamara*
Neko Butler, D.Strike

Stoney Smurf was here

Elenwe_Greenleaf has stopped by to say hi to one of the nicest movodians

Makeveli paid a visit

Natasha splashed on your page

Bratzer was here and signed your page. One of these days he will place an image on it too :D

Lowlander was here to show off his dockers to a really nice lady.

Hey Tam!! Rhona sends a hug.

From Schubert

!!(orange) Phoenix Jewels was here leaving some loving

Mystical sprinkled some mystic over your page!!

James Silver

just stopped by to say Hi to the greatest lady I know. Thanks for bringing me here and for being here for me. *HUGS*

Scoffer was unchained long enough to come say hi

The Sword of Enialis, recognized all over the Movoda Realm

It appears to protect those whom Enialis will Protect until his end

peachtails bounced by :)

Hugs her daughter back tightly

* * *

Sequious stopped by to randomly flirt with Tamara :kiss: XD

* * *

swings in to say hi to the cook that taught me the ropes.. :hugs: to ya love..

Tori Lou 87 dropped in and left you some Apple Lovins

anevil1 wuz here!!!

Revelation Raided your page......and died

Aeval graced your page because you are one awesome Lady

Walker was here to reminding you that Liverpool are the best :)

Moosa signs the page of one magnificent person :)

Because I am Da Wolfman

Tam you are a beautiful, magical friend. Luv Betty xo

Good person, even better friend.
tinytank32 – Leader of the DARK guild

Hugs from Princess Amber

Balrog Of Moria has left his flame of Undun here to lightup the page

Santa_Larry has marked his place on your wiki :)

The dark reaper hath visited you in the night

Lexxy brought you a llama.

Thank you for everything.

leaving you HEAPS of <3! xoxo! ~ Babsy

Came by to thank you for all the late night beer!! :hugs:

Shadow Dropped By... to give a big and some

*hardcoreplayer thinks that Tamara Greystone is phat and smart and cute.*

Guinevere came and left some

nasta was here: luv ya.

I am here to protect your page from evil.
Uphold Truth, Justice, and everything that is just right.

Kuja came through and enjoyed the torture >:)

thank you for bringing me here tam ... you owe me one life waaaa ... chief_druid

Tam happened by to say he'll be back, with siggies!

Tamara, you are the Angel that set me free from world chat! Anything this nutjob can do for you, just ask! Thanks! Pressman

... The only reason you saw this. Ferrum?

hardcoreplayer has stopped by to help prep with cooking and other stuff >:)>:)>:)

Ryna stopped by to pay her respects to the dear Lady...

THHF cat stops by to try and find some coffee

Time for school everyone!