You Are Now Entering The World Of Enialis
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19:07:31 Enialis[C.S.~]: I saw you blackmailing all of them Alpha
19:07:35 Alpha[Dark]: shouldn't matter that it was part of a bribe
2017 year end Goal:
Hit Rank 399 or better in all skills: Date Achieved: October 8th, 2017
2018 year end Goals: Date Finished 11/23/2018 @ 15:37 server time
Rank 49 Trading: Date Achieved: October 14, 2018 high rank: 48
Rank 175 Cooking: Date Achieved: March 5, 2018 high rank: 170
Rank 99 Speed: Date Achieved: November 23, 2018 high rank: 99
Rank 200 Construction: Date Achieved: September 25, 2018 high rank: 200
Rank 324 Harvesting: Date Achieved: January 17, 2018 high rank: 286
Rank 275 Combat: Date Achieved: June 30, 2018 high rank: 263
Rank 300 Woodcutting: Date Achieved: February 23, 2018 high rank: 272
Rank 300 Mining: Date Achieved: September 21, 2018 high rank 286
Rank 250 Magic: Date Achieved: January 25, 2018 high rank: 197
Rank 275 Fishing: Date Achieved: April 29,2018 high rank: 264
Rank 100 Cards: Date Achieved: October 21,2017 high rank: 55
Rank 250 Crafting: Date Achieved: April 20, 2018 high rank: 154
Rank 325 Smithing: Date Achieved: June 27, 2018 high rank: 313
Rank 300 Character: Date Achieved: June 24, 2018 high rank: 280
2019 year end goal:
Don't Quit The Game

6 months

12 months
The Sword of Enialis, recognized all over the Movoda Realm

It appears to destroy those who have betrayed him and protect those closest to him.
*story Complete-pending grammar and spelling review* Started in June of 2008, finished July 25th, 2017.
Wandering throughout the night and lurking in the shadows of the day, an elven male quietly goes about his life. There is a red tint to his eyes, but when you look into them he seems almost soul-less. He is average height for his race, but well underweight. If you are lucky enough to get close, you'll see a scar running down the left side of his face.
Orphaned at a young age when his parents were killed by common thieves. The thieves left a mark on his face that would forever be with him, to remind him of that one sad day. Enialis swore he would have his revenge on his parents murderers, though he has not since found them. He's searched all over, not leaving a single rock unturned, in any town he's been.
As time passes, his anger at the thieves does not subside. He's made a living making houses for people. Though, he knows that he will have to be a much stronger fighter when he finally finds the people who changed his life.
When he began his search for his parents' murderers, he found a group of people who tried very hard to help him. They told him they were a guild and wanted him to join them. He stayed with the Silver Shadow Society for a good while making friends with people, something he had never done before. Da Boss, Tamara Greystone and Forrester were among his mentors and it was to help them, that he strayed from combat to construction. After learning what he could from them, Enialis set out on his own.
After a short while of wandering, Enialis caught wind of a guild compound being sold cheap, he bought it figuring that maybe he could lure the thieves there by selling anything and everything he could, in a no security guild shop in Danycia. The guild was named Concealed Slayers~ As he worked to build the guild up he realized he would need some help doing so, so he attempted to recruit,
Reayk 16 joined Enialis and shortly after brought in his friend Swiftedge. Together, the three worked hard trying to build up the guild, though as time goes by Enialis strays further from his life goal, as he found he enjoys leading and assisting people that wish to work with him, more than searching for people he fears he may never find....
After building up the guild a bit, Enialis heard that the real estate market was becoming seller friendly and sold his compound for a 60K profit. Swiftedge, reayk16 and Eni all went there seperate ways. Swift, went back to ghost. Reayk left the movoda realm, and Enialis went guild visiting to find a new home.
Most people thought Eni would return to the Silver Shadow Society and though he tries to stay close with them, he felt he needed something new. After a short visit to SSS, Eni moved on to I-SPCAL and visited the small, young guild led by D3lta. I-SPCAL was in need of a combat specialist as well as a few other skills Specialists. After a few days Enialis moved on to Area51 and then to NWO, finding himself missing the small Galawi based Guild. So he set off and returned to I-SPCAL, finding he was truly a Spesheel One, but he doesn't ride the SHORTBUS he raids it >:)
After a while the members if ISPCAL got lonely and the members of DARK came to join for a party. D3lta and tinytank32 had one too many swigs of rum and sold the guild. The members of DARK and ISPCAL were displeased with the new banner and Enialis set out to start a new guild, within minutes members of both DARK and I-SPCAL came and joined working together under the reformed banner Concealed Slayers. Most of them were happy now but they missed tinytank, so tiny and Enialis spoke briefly they agreed in tiny taking the leader role and also in keeping the Slayer name, however to the movoda realm they are known as [DARK].
As time went on, Enialis began to revert to an angry state. He became displeased with the situation in [DARK] and opted to remove himself from the situation. Very upset with the way his life was going he joined Valhalla and despite Freya's efforts to help him heal, Enialis was overtaken with grief and anger. He slipped into a coma lasting nearly four years. When he awoke, he spoke with Freya at length about his past. She gave him what he had always needed, a means to an end. Freya and the Valhalla guild members helped Enialis learn various skills. He took a distinct liking to cooking above all else and was soon working on orders for allies of Valhalla that needed to be cooked by someone of the Odtoni nationality. An Elf amongst dwarves was rare, but it was where he felt the most at home.
As time went on people moved in and out of Valhalla as membership dwindled, Enialis set out to visit some friends. It was then that he at long last found the thieves that had slain his parents. He stalked his prey, waiting for just the right time to attack. Once Enialis knew there habits and hide outs he planned out his attack. At 17:00 everyday, the three thieves returned to their hideout in Martral to adjust their disguises. At 16:55 on a Friday afternoon, Enialis broke into the thieves' hideout and hid in the closet where they kept their disguises. As the thieves arrived, they failed to sense his presence. As one of the thieves opened the closet door, Enialis lunged at him and plunged his blade clean through his heart. The leader of the thieves' ordered his goon to kill Enialis, as the thief began to charge him, Enialis focused on him and with no hesitation there was a flash and electricity surged from Enialis and into the thief, energy charged and crackled. The thief lie dead on the floor.
Enialis eyes flashed red, he slowly walked toward the leader. The leader dropped to his knees, begging for Enialis to spare him. Do you remember me? Enialis asked, standing so the petrified man could see his face.
The man stammered, I.. I..
Enialis charged forward, grabbing the man by his throat DO YOU REMEMBER ME!? He hollered.
The man then looked at Enialis, darkness filling his eyes, Aye, I remember you boy! It's time I finish what I started with your parents! He pulled a dagger hidden within his longcoat and plunged it into Enialis's gut.
Enialis, dropping to his knees felt the burning of poison begin spreading through his veins. He began gasping for air as the thief leader laughed. Enialis, gathering himself, removed the blade from his gut. With the last of his strength, he threw the dagger at his lifelong nemesis. The dagger struck it's target, piercing deep into the laughing man's neck. Enialis smiled as everything went black.
Enialis shot up, gasping for air. Freya, startled knocked over a night stand. Freya went to Enialis. She explained that Forseti had seen him sneak into the thieves' hideout and had kept watch to make sure that Enialis was ok. He had charged toward the hideout when the flash from Enialis's shock had appeared. Forseti had kicked into the door just as Enialis had succumb to the darkness. He gave Enialis antidote and brought him back to Valhalla to be cared for. Six months had passed since Enialis got his revenge.
Enialis stayed with Valhalla until he was fully healed. Once healthy, he set out on his own. Since leaving Valhalla, Enialis started a new guild and bought the land on which the Silver Shadow Society once flourished. Though the buildings were gone, it still felt like home. Enialis spends his time rebuilding the once incredible compound. His old friend D3lta has joined him providing fish for various platters that Enialis uses to help in the building process. Enialis' daughters have joined them as well occasionally helping when they are not busy with their studies. As for Enialis, what the future holds is a mystery, but he is at peace now, living out his days in the very shady town of Radom Woods.
And then Castle ruined everything.
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
39 | Queen Roadie | 30 | 965,425 | |
40 | Dawnare [Life] | 30 | 963,854 | |
41 | Trento [QS] | 30 | 935,959 | |
42 | Avalanche [PHX] | 30 | 925,840 | |
43 | Pathos [Seek] | 30 | 920,952 | |
44 | kitz2112 [Peace] | 29 | 898,664 | (+39) |
45 | Colerak [Bubble] | 29 | 898,139 | |
46 | yedlishka [Sane?] | 29 | 895,764 | +178 (+3,029) |
47 | Chickaroo [TAOM] | 29 | 882,552 | |
48 | Mandi | 29 | 866,624 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
151 | Dalamar | 59 | 12,583,922 | |
152 | Alaric [Blue] | 59 | 12,579,499 | |
153 | Soappyy [*Y*] | 59 | 12,484,375 | |
154 | Elenwe | 58 | 12,339,226 | |
155 | cazacu [DH] | 58 | 12,293,972 | |
156 | Cookalicious [Paridise] | 58 | 12,293,699 | |
157 | Wombat []0_o[] | 58 | 12,252,742 | |
158 | BK [OF DOOM] | 58 | 12,213,189 | |
159 | babybmine [Allure] | 58 | 12,154,538 | |
160 | Transport [TAOM] | 58 | 12,129,310 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
86 | Chey [X] | 52 | 8,136,708 | |
87 | Lildor [N.E.T.] | 52 | 8,055,382 | |
88 | Mirabeau [CoM] | 52 | 8,045,156 | +70 (+818) |
89 | Mel [CoM] | 52 | 7,994,043 | |
90 | tindecken | 52 | 7,953,488 | |
91 | Bratzer [CoM] | 52 | 7,939,424 | |
92 | Veridis [OakPhish] | 52 | 7,862,288 | |
93 | minichibi [RED] | 52 | 7,848,295 | |
94 | Laidback | 52 | 7,698,891 | |
95 | Enialis [^V^] | 52 | 7,654,084 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
196 | Charon [Elysium] | 47 | 5,296,992 | |
197 | GLOBAL [TAOM] | 47 | 5,200,916 | |
198 | MagYona [Allure] | 47 | 5,132,352 | |
199 | Meggie [Bubble] | 46 | 5,055,022 | |
200 | Graciemae [,.,] | 46 | 5,021,255 | |
201 | Zombie_Frog [PWI] | 46 | 4,993,030 | |
202 | thoranius [*TA*] | 46 | 4,942,966 | |
203 | brineweed [ ] | 46 | 4,844,654 | |
204 | Sweet_Thing | 46 | 4,829,727 | |
205 | Capt Fred [^V^] | 46 | 4,799,286 | +4,900 (+4,900) |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
286 | Flagg | 44 | 4,123,093 | |
287 | fingerprint | 44 | 4,116,855 | |
288 | DeeDee | 44 | 4,109,915 | |
289 | Luvbug [JACK] | 44 | 4,095,728 | |
290 | Genesis!? [???] | 44 | 4,084,163 | |
291 | Badjoraz | 44 | 4,073,333 | |
292 | Kelsey [Olympus] | 44 | 4,054,291 | |
293 | AllyCatz []0_o[] | 44 | 4,049,248 | |
294 | Falstaff | 44 | 4,048,574 | |
295 | Capt Fred [^V^] | 44 | 4,046,194 | +1,185 (+10,741) |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
261 | Stoney_Smurf [Sin Inc] | 86 | 55,538,684 | |
262 | Sush1 [Freedom] | 86 | 55,242,549 | |
263 | Jemi [ ] | 86 | 55,201,132 | |
264 | Gally [Ghost] | 86 | 55,199,794 | |
265 | surskis [RD] | 86 | 55,184,732 | (+12,525) |
266 | Groot [rad] | 86 | 55,180,662 | |
267 | GroundPounder198 | 85 | 55,099,696 | |
268 | Big B | 85 | 55,097,066 | |
269 | Cat [Ronin] | 85 | 54,700,928 | |
270 | Avalanche [PHX] | 85 | 54,482,229 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
261 | silverwolf [Akatsuki] | 41 | 3,174,136 | |
262 | DKC [CoM] | 41 | 3,163,193 | |
263 | jaberi23 | 41 | 3,162,015 | |
264 | Faullen [Anthro] | 41 | 3,148,705 | +1,935 (+3,720) |
265 | Celsia [Sane?] | 41 | 3,145,151 | |
266 | Dalamar | 41 | 3,138,042 | |
267 | Sup3rnatural [*TA*] | 41 | 3,135,440 | |
268 | Kraken | 41 | 3,126,923 | |
269 | Knighthawke [BOG] | 41 | 3,123,272 | (+1,836) |
270 | HaLongBay [*NI*] | 41 | 3,119,520 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
272 | Argus | 45 | 4,491,393 | |
273 | Euphoria666 | 45 | 4,436,365 | |
274 | Doodlebunny [Ashia] | 45 | 4,389,344 | (+6,260) |
275 | jeandk [TEAM] | 45 | 4,325,107 | |
276 | lebum | 44 | 4,250,849 | |
277 | Varshanka | 44 | 4,235,956 | |
278 | Enroth | 44 | 4,178,120 | |
279 | nahm17 | 44 | 4,163,855 | |
280 | SilverStreak [.We.] | 44 | 4,155,632 | |
281 | Aillerrg [Mine] | 44 | 4,098,483 | |
282 | trevs68 [~C-H-P~] | 44 | 4,067,171 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
166 | Alicia [TEAM] | 37 | 2,138,233 | |
167 | Lucian [Home] | 37 | 2,132,873 | |
168 | Scyther [[S]] | 37 | 2,111,790 | |
169 | RoyHobbs [Blue] | 37 | 2,107,716 | |
170 | Ranger [Crops4$] | 37 | 2,100,810 | |
171 | Runner2_14 [Peace] | 37 | 2,095,183 | +312 (+312) |
172 | Sal [MAD] | 37 | 2,089,350 | |
173 | ororo [ ] | 37 | 2,082,505 | |
174 | Toassty [*NI*] | 37 | 2,079,766 | +405 (+810) |
175 | snow_angel [*UH*] | 37 | 2,063,776 | +264 (+606) |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
241 | RoyHobbs [Blue] | 41 | 3,052,446 | |
242 | BlueAngel67? [GS] | 41 | 3,024,576 | |
243 | Thorrak [*NI*] | 40 | 2,994,786 | |
244 | sunsetatdawn [Sane?] | 40 | 2,982,619 | |
245 | esnow | 40 | 2,971,924 | |
246 | Testament [Evil] | 40 | 2,954,353 | |
247 | B_B_ [God] | 40 | 2,953,329 | |
248 | Dragonlover [Paridise] | 40 | 2,893,472 | |
249 | Cat [Ronin] | 40 | 2,875,608 | |
250 | Charlesc83 [firesoul] | 40 | 2,861,154 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
51 | gromaz [LT] | 12 | 43,021 | |
52 | UselessJunk [Radical] | 12 | 42,704 | |
53 | Kozmik [MAD] | 12 | 41,964 | |
54 | redhdsrbtr [Ant] | 12 | 41,678 | |
55 | Aversin [Ashia] | 12 | 41,433 | |
56 | ChrisWar666 | 12 | 40,704 | |
57 | Flame [~EM~] | 12 | 39,968 | |
58 | Lady Rhiannon [~EM~] | 12 | 39,604 | |
59 | Shaniegirl [H2V] | 12 | 39,541 | |
60 | JoveS | 12 | 39,048 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
151 | arknot | 36 | 1,871,826 | |
152 | BabyGirly [~DB~] | 36 | 1,856,763 | |
153 | Dalamar | 36 | 1,842,265 | |
154 | Akrian | 36 | 1,840,174 | |
155 | RocknRoll [SQ] | 36 | 1,831,448 | |
156 | nturn [Sane?] | 36 | 1,818,953 | |
157 | Lady Rhiannon [~EM~] | 35 | 1,801,292 | |
158 | Hestia [Oprichni] | 35 | 1,758,387 | |
159 | Runkies | 35 | 1,753,475 | |
160 | KMax [^V^] | 35 | 1,722,054 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
291 | Neverland [CoM] | 33 | 1,388,004 | |
292 | Midnighte [RED] | 33 | 1,370,027 | |
293 | coral [Beep] | 33 | 1,362,425 | |
294 | Bombers [.We.] | 33 | 1,342,898 | |
295 | Lady Rhiannon [~EM~] | 33 | 1,327,443 | |
296 | Valen [*NI*] | 33 | 1,325,700 | |
297 | Nirvanaishdude [Yarr] | 33 | 1,322,617 | |
298 | Joethalou | 32 | 1,288,402 | |
299 | robinb | 32 | 1,281,013 | |
300 | Askeld [*NI*] | 32 | 1,270,996 | |
Rank | Player | Level | Exp |
256 | Forseti [^V^] | 81 | 44,301,939 |
257 | Widdie [Crops4$] | 81 | 44,115,074 |
258 | Charon [Elysium] | 81 | 44,046,021 |
259 | Alkyoni [Blue] | 81 | 43,789,698 |
260 | Soappyy [*Y*] | 81 | 43,629,336 |
261 | Aurora13 | 80 | 43,304,247 |
262 | acquyden88 | 80 | 43,070,698 |
263 | Reckless [Cave] | 80 | 42,578,880 |
264 | Grayman | 80 | 42,421,668 |
265 | Xim [ΩMNI] | 80 | 42,405,763 |
killed first ghost 2/16/2009
killed second ghost 3/13/2009
killed third ghost 3/21/2009
killed first Rhaedrhothe 6/09/2012 (Level 60 Combat)
Killed first fairy 6/11/2012
You have killed the Fairy and gained 8 combat experience
Enialis Member Since: 2008-06-04 22:14:43 Active playing time: 651 Days, 1 Hours, 3 Minutes Member Number: 0000006058 Character Experience: 36,383,020 Character Level: 77 Highest Skill: Combat Level 83 Nationality: Faldorian Guild: Valhalla Guild Position: Chef of the Valkyries
Enialis's Skills- Combat Level 83 (47,931,921 Exp)
- Cooking Level 56 (10,358,552 Exp)
- Speed Level 52 (7,654,084 Exp)
- Construction Level 45 (4,325,833 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 43 (3,745,750 Exp)
- Mining Level 42 (3,542,722 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 39 (2,704,999 Exp)
- Fishing Level 38 (2,441,777 Exp)
- Magic Level 35 (1,746,769 Exp)
- Crafting Level 33 (1,313,701 Exp)
- Smithing Level 30 (986,311 Exp)
- Trading Level 29 (819,377 Exp)
- Cards Level 11 (30,072 Exp)
Monsters killed by Enialis- 1 Ancient Serpent
- 160 Arctic Fox
- 7,604 Armadillo
- 2 Baby Dragon
- 9 Baby Flame Giant
- 19 Baby Frost Giant
- 4 Bandit
- 94 Barktomi Elephant Rider
- 25 Barktomi Fighter
- 24 Barktomi Raider
- 59 Bay Shark
- 8,463 Bear
- 60,210 Bronze Golem
- 562 Brown Toad
- 975 Bunny
- 449 Cave Dragon
- 43,670 Cave Goblin
- 9,525 Cavelurk
- 12 Charging Rhino
- 378 Chicken
- 8,403 Cougar
- 3,407 Deer
- 1 Dennech Cehuvah
- 6 Drop Bear
- 14 Dwarven Fighter
- 31 Dwarven Raider
- 61 Elder Ash
- 25 Elder Pine
- 31,821 Elephant
- 84 Elk
- 10 Faerie Knight
- 38 Faerie Lord
- 19 Fairy
- 224 Firbolg Giant
- 1,712 Fox
- 342 Frog
- 2 Frost Giant
- 17 Ghost
- 2,011 Giant Black Bat
- 12,639 Giant Bomb Beetle
- 12,968 Giant Bug Beetle
- 7,632 Giant Cobra
- 51 Giant Elk
- 12,853 Giant Ravager Beetle
- 123 Giant Salamander
- 7,481 Giant Scorpion
- 2,212 Giant Tarantula
- 6 Giant Yeti
- 112 Giant Zombie
- 2,540 Gila Monster
- 399 Goblin Zombie
- 23 Gold Golem
- 68 Great White Shark
- 551 Griffin
- 1,541 Grizzly Bear
- 2,753 Grue
- 2,656 Hawk
- 1,482 Headless Horseman
- 45,151 Hobgoblin
- 27 Ice Elemental
- 60,981 Iron Golem
- 180 Jade Golem
- 131 Killer Bunny
- 4 Killer Dolphin
- 13 Killer Tomato
- 61,321 Killer Vine
- 1 King Bear
- 1 Kraken
- 4 Lightning Elemental
- 20,445 Lion
- 60,774 Living Oak
- 4,823 Lizard Warrior
- 4,850 Lizardman
- 192 Lizardman Zombie
- 281 Maanvaki Scout
- 155 Maanvaki Shaman
- 628 Maanvaki Warrior
- 40,076 Marakite Mage
- 23,113 Marakite Master
- 22 Marakite Shaman
- 41,568 Marakite Trainee
- 342 Minotaur
- 2 Monk Weapons Master
- 2,130 Mountain Goat
- 2,102 Mountain Lion
- 35 Nagaromi Infantry
- 551 Nagaromi Miner
- 2,604 Nagaromi Scout
- 52 Nagaromi Spearman
- 627 Nagaromi Woodcutter
- 180 Ona Spearman
- 141 Ona Warlord
- 260 Ona Warrior
- 287 Parrot
- 1,025 Pirate
- 26 Pirate Admiral
- 266 Pirate Captain
- 537 Pirate Grenadier
- 109 Polar Bear
- 425 Pumpking Warrior
- 1 Quarter Master
- 4 Raccoon
- 1 Raging Tree
- 4 Rhaedrhothe
- 13,799 Rhizard
- 3,286 Rhizard Plunderer
- 7,791 Rhizard Prowler
- 331 Saphirik Warrior
- 31 Sjirkomi Cook
- 16 Sjirkomi Shaman
- 23 Sjirkomi Soldier
- 67 Snow Owl
- 14 Spectre
- 127 Squirrel
- 60,078 Steel Golem
- 1 Thief
- 19,723 Turtle
- 547 Vampire
- 25 Werewolf
- 1,997 White Bat
- 1 White Dragon
- 13,112 Wild Elven Gatherer
- 13,466 Wild Elven Hunter
- 415 Willow
- 504 Wolf
- 192 Yeti
Skill | Level | Experience | Rank |
Character | 77 | 36,383,020 | 312 |
Speed | 52 | 7,654,084 | 95 |
Mining | 42 | 3,542,722 | 303 |
Combat | 83 | 47,931,921 | 302 |
Magic | 35 | 1,746,769 | 217 |
Trading | 29 | 819,377 | 54 |
Woodcutting | 39 | 2,704,999 | 302 |
Smithing | 30 | 986,311 | 345 |
Construction | 45 | 4,325,833 | 225 |
Cooking | 56 | 10,358,552 | 181 |
Fishing | 38 | 2,441,777 | 277 |
Crafting | 33 | 1,313,701 | 189 |
Harvesting | 43 | 3,745,750 | 314 |
Cards | 11 | 30,072 | 75 |
Guest Book